I delivered new work to the Island Gallery in St.Ives, Cornwall today.
Can you see my painting, ‘Orange Sky’ in the window?
I got there a few minutes early as parking in St.Ives is generally very difficult to find.
The car parks get filled up very quickly with visitors even in February…the streets are very narrow, like the pic of the street adjacent, so parking on the street is not possible & encourages a traffic jam very quickly.
I had 2 large paintings to deliver, so left one, ‘Looks Can Be Deceptive’ (as you can see leaning against the wall, I actually didn’t leave it quite there, but next to some trash cans!..) & ran back to the car park to get the other one.
The Island Gallery is re-opening on Tuesday, after a short winter break, if you happen to be anywhere near please go & visit.